Keeping Your Pets Cool and Refreshed this Summer

It's summer! That means hot temperatures. So here's how you can keep your pets cool and refreshed within your landmark lofts and garden apartment this summer season. Cooling of Your Apartment The summer heat does not only mess with us but our pets too. So it is good to follow pet summer safety tips and pet safety tips to help your pets get through the Summer season comfortably. So how do you go about keeping your house cool this summer? Well, here are some tips: Keep your blinds and curtains closed to [...]

2022-06-24T21:51:14+00:00June 30th, 2022|

Choosing the Best Window Coverings for the Spring & Summer in Your Landmark Apartment

From blinds to shutters and curtains, there are plenty of window covering options to choose from. However, which one is right for which season? Read on to figure out which window coverings are best for the spring and summer in your Landmark lofts and Garden Apartment. Sprucing Up Your Windows We all know that the best part of apartment living is adding your special touch to the space. We have come up with some apartment-friendly, renter-safe ways to add your touch to your landmark lofts and garden apartment windows. When it comes to [...]

2022-05-31T19:07:29+00:00May 31st, 2022|