It’s the New Year, and the need for a new look in your apartment is essential; consider the art and design of Feng Shui. An apartment needs to have a relaxing atmosphere, and Feng Shui is the answer. Here is how to create smooth feng shui in your Landmark lofts and Garden.

First, Feng Shui is a Chinese belief method that chooses certain design elements in an apartment. It offers valuable tips on furniture to choose from and how to arrange to increase the flow of chi in your apartment.

Decorations that transition out of 2021 and into 2022

Suppose you happen to have the following decorations in your apartment. In that case, you’re safe for the transition into the New Year, and your January 2022 decor will transition effortlessly for a Feng Shui feel. Try incorporating these apartment essentials to create a cozy vibe: fresh flowers, plants, throw blanks and pillows, and elegant mirrors. 

The above decorations can easily transition into New Year. So why do they work well for Feng Shui?

Well, fresh flowers bring joy and nature qi into the apartment. Fragrant flowers add to the atmosphere. A welcome home mat is the first thing people see as they enter your home; it sets the mood—candles aid in creating a soft ambiance in an apartment.

Brightening up your apartment for the New Year

The first key to brightening up an apartment is in the paint. The colors in which you paint your apartment can be the make or break between brightening up your apartment and not. The most obvious color one can use for brightening up their apartment is white. Next, use blinds instead of curtains; they bring more light than curtains. Finally, utilize shiny ornaments and decorations as their shine adds to the brightness of the apartment.

How To Arrange Your Apartment Decor

Make sure to arrange your decor in a way that creates space in your apartment and allows light to flow through. Make it your New Years’ resolution to change up your apartment. Enter into the New year in style and enjoy yourself at Landa Recreation center.